What up fam! If you are a young adult, 22 to early 30's, single, married, or married with kids, we would love to connect with you! 

We would be disciples who: 

We believe more often than none, people trust Christians before they trust Christ. Our young adults would love to tell you how God has changed their story. 

Please come check out our 11 AM service on a Sunday and contact, Hannah Morris, our Life Group Director/ Young Adults Associate! 

We can't wait to meet you!

In community we are known, loved, cared for, pursued, encouraged, and challenged to be more like Christ. 

The GOAL of our Life Groups are: 

1. Grow Spiritually (Colossians 1:9-10)

2. Oneness (Colossians 3:12-14)

3. Accountability (Hebrews 10:24-25)

4. Life on Life (Acts 2:46-47)


Our life groups meet off-campus on various days of the week. 

Life Group Director/ Young Adults Associate: Hannah Morris, hmorris@lakechurchdfw.org, 972-505-0830