The Generosity Fund
What is One Fund?
One Fund is our effort to move away from multiple designated, and restricted funds to a single Generosity Fund. This is a move toward simplified reporting and consolidated planning. Rather than multiple "funds" to support the church ministries, One Fund (the Generosity Fund) will account for all revenues and expenses.
Continuing our existing practice, each ministry area will develop a spending plan (budget) and all of the individual spending plans will make up the overall 2022/2023 Ministry Spending Plan. If the Ministry Spending Plan is approved by the church then each of the ministries will be supported by the Generosity Fund. Unexpected expenses will arise. As those are approved, they will also be funded from One Fund. Similiarily all revenues, those planned and unexpected, will go into One Fund and support the ministry spending plan.
A One Fund approach is different than our traditional budgeting approach. One is not right and the other wrong, but one is easier to manage than the other. A single fund, The Generosity Fund, is easier to manage. The finance team, in 2021, expressed unanimous support to move in this direction. The effort now is one of communication and understanding. Please attend a town hall, read the pdf below, and reach out to David Chase if you have any questions.

What's so special about Tuesday?
Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday...Giving Tuesday. In short, non-profits saw an opportunity to remind people about generosity. Annually, at this time, we have just experienced several pretty massive holiday shopping days. As a way to build on the momentum but also to cultivate a spirit of generosity, Giving Tuesday was born.
It's easy for us to become inwardly focused. My needs, my wants, my comforts, etc...It's not a big leap for me to think of myself before others. You may fall into that trap sometimes too. Scripture tells us that it's not about our wants, nor is it about a particular Tuesday in November. It is fully about our hearts, 365 days a year as we follow the example of Christ in Mark 10:45. Christ came to serve. Generously, abundantly, and with tremendous richness towards us, He, in the ultimate act of hospitality, gave His life as a ransom for ours.
That's our example...generosity all of the time, in every situation, towards all people. Just on Tuesdays? Nope. Every day. It's not easy, Christ said as much as He prepared our understanding that this life isn't about serving ourselves, it's about being generous towards others.
I would say every day is Giving Tuesday since that is what are called to do. And if you are feeling financially generous today then please consider a gift to Lake Church. When you give to Lake Church, you are supporting a range of ministries including Impact Counseling, Excel Learning Academy, and our Recreation ministry.
Thank you for being a generous church all year long. You are generous towards neighbors, family, and one another. Thank you for loving well!
For The World And Its Fullness Are Mine
Psalm 50:9-12
God’s design for work is to co-labor with Him in His creation. We don’t own anything, so we are stewards. We are, at best seasonal workers, temp workers on this planet for a season. As stewards, we are to care for and make better that which we are entrusted. This stewardship will require as blueprinted, both head work and hand work. White-collar and blue-collar. God spoke, and God fashioned. Adam named, and Adam tilled. Jesus the teacher, and Jesus the carpenter.
As a system, the Garden was perfect, but it wasn’t complete until man and woman were placed there, and it was called “very good.” God’s design was now complete, and the cultural mandate was in full effect. Make babies, create culture, explore God’s creation…His goodness is beyond our comprehension, but what we can grasp, we are to tend and grow. We are stewards in God’s economy.
Every square inch
Abraham Kuyper famously stated “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”
If it is all Christ's, and it is, then that means nothing is mine. That leaves me with this...I am a steward of what Christ owns, and has placed under my care.
All too often, stewardship is only talked about in terms of money. Indeed, it does refer to finances, but it goes beyond dollars & cents to include everything in your possession. You are to steward everything under your care, for the season that you have it.
God owns it...he is asking you to cultivate it for His Kingdom.
What is "it"? It is the business deal, each diaper change, the friendship with your co-worker, your dating relationship, the class you are taking, the meal you are going to prepare, and every bit of the work you do, paid, or unpaid. And yes, it includes your bank account too.